Scenario Generation

In OCOPOMO, we aim at collaboratively building scenarios by involving different stakeholder groups via on-line means (i.e. scenarios building). In order to represent different views of stakeholders in a sensible way the users (authorised for this activity) will generate scenarios.

The scenario generation is one of the main tasks. In OCOPOMO, the starting point of a policy case is an existing policy. In general, such a policy can be brought in either by a government agency (i.e. politician, civil servant) or by an interest group.

Based on this policy initial scenario description is generated from the natural language descriptions. The initial scenario will be created by the initiator of a policy process.

Then interviews with relevant stakeholder groups are conducted to develop further initial scenarios from different viewpoints. These initial scenarios lay the foundation for the evidence-based user scenarios.

Before the initial scenarios will be published, the publication must be authorised by the interviewees.

Then, stakeholders can generate further scenarios (scenario alternatives or scenarios of different groups reflecting e.g. conflicting views). Stakeholders will be allowed to express their views on the policy case via either further elaboration on the initial scenarios or by generating new (alternative) scenarios.

At the first trial, access to the online collaboration platform (which bases on Alfresco) is only granted to internal stakeholders (i.e. partners of the project), in order to avoid situations, in which external stakeholders are discouraged due to underdeveloped  collaboration platform.

After the comments of internal stakeholders the CCD will be created. Then the first model will be built on that ground.

While the first trial is limited to internal stakeholders in collaboration, the second trial will extend the collaboration by inviting external stakeholders. In order to guide the external stakeholders during scenario generation, questions have been prepared for them to semi-structure the process of scenario generation. When a scenario will be closed or reopen by the facilitator, then involved stakeholders will receive information about this action. Scenario extension and update shall include the opportunity to rate the scenario or parts of it, as well as to discuss on the scenario.

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