Policy Governance

Policy Governance is an integrated set of concepts and principles that, when consistently applied, allows governing boards to realise owner-accountable organisations (Carver, 2011). It is a model of governance created by Carver and often referred to as “Carver governance” or the “Carver model”. The model designed "to empower boards of directors to fulfill their obligation of accountability for their organisations and to enable them to focus on the larger issues, to delegate with clarity, to control management's job, to rigorously evaluate the accomplishment of the organisation" (Carver, 2013). Ten Policy Governance principles (International Policy Governance Assosiation) form a complete governance system, which enables boards to provide strategic leadership in creating the future for their organisations . Policy Governance is designed to ensure accountability of the Board to the owners or shareholders and of the CEO to the Board (The Governance Coach, 2013).

Related terms: Governance, Policy


    Carver, John, and Miriam Carver. 2011. Reinventing your board: A step-by-step guide to implementing policy governance. Vol. 18. Wiley.

    CarverGovernance.com, The Policy Governance® Model

    International Policy Governance Assosiation. 2013. Principles of Policy Governance

    The Governance Coach. 2013. What is Policy Governance?


    • Carver governance
    • Carver model
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