Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Policy (SKIN 3)

This 2-days workshop organised by EUAK (Europaeische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen) as its annual conference with two co-organisers and one local host will bring together two scientific communities to join forces in research on innovation policy modelling. Innovation intersects the concerns of complexity science and social simulation. The intention of the workshop is to explore how complexity models and social simulation can be used to improve and inform the innovation policy making process.
When May 22, 2014 09:00 AM to
May 23, 2014 06:00 PM
Where Eotvos University, Budapest (Hungary)
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Attendees • Petra Ahrweiler (Europaeische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen (EUAK), Germany, EgovPoliNet partner)
• Nigel Gilbert (University of Surrey, UK, for the Social Simulation Community)
• George Kampis (Eotvos University, Hungary, for the Complex Systems Community)
• Andreas Pyka (University of Hohenheim, D, for the Innovation Policy Community)
• Bruce Edmonds (Centre of Policy Modelling, Manchester, UK) for the Social Simulation Community, keynote speaker
• Erik Johnston (Center for Policy Informatics, Arizona State University, USA) for the Complexity Science Community, keynote speaker
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The specific purpose of the workshop organised by EUAK directly addresses the objective of eGovPoliNet community and constituency building: It is dedicated to integrating the currently fragmented research of social simulation modellers and complex systems researchers on innovation policy issues. The commonly shared integration mechanism will centre around the simulation platform SKIN (Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks), which is used and further developed by both communities, but so far with different focus and direction. The workshop will collect and match contributions from both communities for exchange, discussion and future collaboration.

The workshop will involve different communities including complex systems researchers, social simulation modellers and innovation policy experts.

Programme of the workshop...

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